
Posts Tagged ‘Non-Religious Wed’

You may not have been to church or synagogue in awhile, or religion may not be very important to you. But, consider how you may honor your family’s faith tradition at your wedding through thoughtful musical selection, without giving up who you are.


  1. Consider a favorite hymn of your grandparents. While you may not enjoy singing traditional (read: old) hymns, many of the settings are beautiful with or without the words. Plus, your parents or grandparents will be honored that you selected a song that means something special to them. Imagine how their eyes will light up when a string quartet begins to play “Beautiful Savior” or “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” even if the songs do not have particularly strong meaning for you.
  2. Find a religious figure you respect (think animal lover St. Francis of Assisi or strong, visionary young woman St. Theresa of Avila) and ask a music expert if there are pieces written about their lives. Consider “Ave Maria” or “Prayer of St. Francis.”
  3. Identify uncomplicated songs that express qualities you would like in your relationship. Extravagance in instrumentation or song selection may actually detract from the music and its message. A song such as “Simple Gifts” or “Sunrise, Sunset” may have greater meaning and blessing for you and your guests than a twelve-part chorus singing in ancient Latin. 

The Innocenti Strings have over ten years of experience with helping you pick the perfect music for your wedding.  Please call us at 773-360-5405 so we can open a conversation about providing the music for your special day.

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